- Participate in Shaping Future Policy: OSMBC members will play an important role in informing Government and private sector policy makers about important industry trends, opportunities and changes that new ways of doing business and technology will have on their businesses.
- Protect Your Business: OSMBC will make your voices heard by your government and policy makers. OSMBC Proactively educates and influences government policies that can impact small and medium sized businesses.
- Stay Informed: Be kept up to date about policy issues and discussions that affect your business helping you make informed business decisions. You are busy running your business, leverage the strength of the coalition save you time and lobby for your interest.
- Gain Strength and Credibility: Small and Medium sized businesses working independently do not have the weight or influence to communicate effectively with Government. There is strength in numbers. OSMBC members bring a credible voice to the issues and opportunities affecting small and medium sized IT businesses in Ontario.
- Networking: Leverage many opportunities to network with other SMB, share ideas, consult, and collaborate. Join special interest groups and leverage the power of the team on issues such as new technologies, methodologies, etc.
- Discounts: leverage group power to negotiate discounts on business and personal insurance and other products and services. (currently in development)